Unser neues Team Collaboration Feature
Wir freuen uns riesig, Dir eine Neuerung bei influence.vision vorzustellen: das Team Collaboration Feature. Lies hier, was hinter dieser spannenden Funktion steckt.
Read MoreAuthor: Gabriel Leutzendorff
July 25, 2019
Welcome to this article where we share with you 5 ingenious hacks to take your influencer marketing to the next level. With these simple tips and tricks, it will be easy to start an influencer marketing campaign to promote your brand.
Table of Contents:
Influencers build up their communities over a long period of time and therefore know best what is relevant to their followers/your target group. It’s important to give them the freedom to deliver their content in a way that resonates best with their audience. That’s why we at influence.vision love the term creative crowdsourcing. Thanks to our network, you can draw from a large pool of influencers and gather amazing ideas for your influencer campaigns.
It is important to give influencer enough freedom so they can express their creativity in your campaign. However, it has proven to be more effective if you give the influencers a detailed briefing about your service or product. Our campaign form allows you to do just that. Good communication is the key to successful influencer marketing.
Influencer marketing is most effective if the customer doesn’t question the authenticity of the message and doesn’t really see it as advertising. It is therefore crucial that the influencer knows the product or service and can relate to it. This is why our influencers can bid on campaigns that are authentic to them and present their own ideas and suggestions as a kind of “influencer pitch”.
In order to have strategic success in influencer marketing, you shouldn’t only focus on the number of followers. Micro- and Influencers, in particular, are cheaper on one hand and have active communities on the other, which give a lot of feedback and show a high level of commitment.
We at influence.vision found out that it is a good idea to use Influencers as content creators. On our platform brands can choose where the content will be shown and on which channels it will be broadcast.